News & Releases

Battle for the Second Amendment in Colorado: New Laws Challenge Constitutional Liberties Amidst Heightening Tensions

Battle for the Second Amendment in Colorado: New Laws Challenge Constitutional Liberties Amidst Heightening Tensions

In a stark representation of the assault on the Second Amendment, the state of Colorado, once a bastion of frontier…
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Texas Gun Rights Achieves Legal Milestone with Preliminary Injunction Against ATF

Texas Gun Rights Achieves Legal Milestone with Preliminary Injunction Against ATF

Texas Gun Rights scored its first huge victory in its first ever lawsuit after Judge O’Connor granted a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the ATF’s pistol stabilizing brace ban.
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Unpacking the Second Amendment: More Than Just Self-Defense, It’s About Resisting Tyranny

Unpacking the Second Amendment: More Than Just Self-Defense, It’s About Resisting Tyranny

It seems like every time I look at the headlines or read a court decision, the Second Amendment is being…
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