Defending gun rights without compromise

Empowering pro-gun Texans and defending the Second Amendment through education and legal action.

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The Latest News

We Beat the ATF!

We Beat the ATF!

In a landmark decision, Texas Gun Rights and the National Association for Gun Rights have secured a significant victory against…
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FBI Active Shooter Stats Challenge Biden’s Mass Shooting Narrative

FBI Active Shooter Stats Challenge Biden’s Mass Shooting Narrative

In recent speeches and policy proposals, President Biden has frequently referenced alarming statistics to advocate for stricter gun control measures….
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Armed Father Protects Family During Heinous Home Invasion

Armed Father Protects Family During Heinous Home Invasion

In a terrifying incident in Rockford, Michigan, a father’s swift actions during a home invasion saved his family’s lives. Around…
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About Us

Who Are We?

We strive to educate and inform the people of Texas on the importance of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 Section 23 of the Texas Constitution, and equip them with the tools and knowledge necessary to defend their rights.

Through a variety of educational materials, speaking engagements, and training programs, we empower gun rights activists to mobilize and protect the Second Amendment from all those who seek to undermine it.