Who We Are

Texas Gun Rights Foundation is a 501c(3) nonprofit serving as the educational and legal wing of Texas Gun Rights. We are committed to protecting the Second Amendment for generations to come.


We strive to educate and inform the people of Texas on the importance of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 Section 23 of the Texas Constitution, and equip them with the tools and knowledge necessary to defend their rights.

Through a variety of educational materials, speaking engagements, and training programs, we empower gun rights activists to mobilize and protect the Second Amendment from all those who seek to undermine it.

We also aim to defend the Second Amendment in the courts and seek to restore rights that have been lost over the years. By bringing Texas Gun Rights’ no-compromise tactics to the courtroom, we will safeguard the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment to ensure that law-abiding gun owners are protected from any violations of their rights by overzealous bureaucrats and gun ban politicians.


Chris McNutt

CJ Grisham, Esq.
Legal Counsel and Policy Analyst

As a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Agent and founder of Open Carry Texas, CJ’s passion for defending liberty and the natural rights protected by the Second Amendment have turned him into a force to be reckoned with in Texas Politics.

Barry Arrington
Chairman of the Board

Barry is a seasoned attorney practicing in civil litigation in the state and federal courts, non-profit law, and Constitutional law with focus on the First and Second Amendment freedoms.

Joe Neville
Board of Directors

Joe is a veteran of the United States Navy and brings a wealth of experience in politics and business management. Joe has served as senior staff for several political campaigns, state legislative staff, and as Vice President of Political Operations for National Association for Gun Rights.

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