News & Releases

Texan Gun Culture: The Washington Post’s Critique Becomes Testament to Lone Star Liberty

Texan Gun Culture: The Washington Post’s Critique Becomes Testament to Lone Star Liberty

In a recent display of journalistic tone-deafness, The Washington Post attempted to shed light on Texas’s fervent gun culture, only to inadvertently…
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Texas Gun Rights Scores a Victory against ATF’s Overreach on Trigger Regulations

Texas Gun Rights Scores a Victory against ATF’s Overreach on Trigger Regulations

Judge O’Connor issue a preliminary injunction, halting the ATF’s Forced Reset Trigger ban for NAGR & TXGR members.
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American Women Embracing Firearms Amid Rising Crime

American Women Embracing Firearms Amid Rising Crime

In the face of mounting crime across America, citizens are rightfully on edge. However, a particular demographic has emerged, ready…
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