FBI Active Shooter Stats Challenge Biden’s Mass Shooting Narrative

In recent speeches and policy proposals, President Biden has frequently referenced alarming statistics to advocate for stricter gun control measures. Central to his argument are the figures provided by the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which claim there were 656 mass shootings in 2023 alone. However, a deeper dive into the FBI’s data reveals a different picture—one that contradicts the president’s portrayal and underscores the need for a more nuanced understanding of gun violence in America.

The Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as any incident in which four or more people are injured. This broad definition encompasses a wide range of events, including gang-related violence, domestic disputes, and even cases of self-defense. As a result, the GVA’s statistics are significantly inflated, painting a more dire picture than what most Americans traditionally consider when they think of mass shootings.

In contrast, the FBI employs a more precise definition, focusing on “active shooter” incidents. According to the FBI, an active shooter is someone actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. By this definition, the number of active shooter incidents in 2023 was only 48. This stark discrepancy between the GVA’s and the FBI’s numbers is critical in understanding the true scope of the problem and formulating effective responses.

A closer examination of the FBI’s data further challenges the narrative that America is experiencing an unprecedented wave of mass shootings. For instance, nearly half of the states in the U.S. did not experience a single active shooter incident in 2023. Moreover, California, known for its stringent gun control laws, reported the highest number of active shooter incidents, accounting for 17% of the total. This raises important questions about the efficacy of strict gun regulations in preventing such events.

Additionally, the FBI’s data reveal that 22 of the 30 states with constitutional carry laws—laws that allow individuals to carry firearms without a permit—reported only one or zero active shooter incidents in 2023. This suggests that responsible gun ownership, rather than restrictive laws, may play a more significant role in deterring mass shootings.

Despite these findings, the mainstream media and many political figures continue to highlight the GVA’s inflated numbers, fueling a climate of fear and pushing for policies that penalize law-abiding gun owners. This selective use of data not only misinforms the public but also leads to policies that do little to address the root causes of gun violence.

2 responses to “FBI Active Shooter Stats Challenge Biden’s Mass Shooting Narrative”

  1. Warnock David Avatar
    Warnock David

    That’s always the case with this current administration. Who knows who is actually pushing this narrative since we know Joe Biden can’t make a sentence without a teleprompter or ear buds!

  2. PO'D VET Avatar
    PO’D VET

    The government of the Democrats will always use hyperventilated figures to push their agenda. If you had 4 boys fighting for a ball, somehow they would put that down as one of their GVA’s, don’t know how, but they would.

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