ATF Definition Change Escalates Fears of Universal Gun Registration

In a sweeping move that alarms many pro-gun advocates, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has finalized a rule change that significantly broadens the definition of who is considered a “dealer in firearms.” This change is poised to reshape the landscape of gun sales in the United States, effectively setting the stage for what many see as a backdoor to universal gun registration.

Under the new rule, the definition of a firearms dealer will expand to include individuals who sell guns “predominantly for profit,” capturing a large number of private gun sellers who may only occasionally sell firearms. This rule mandates that these sellers obtain a federal firearms license (FFL), conduct background checks on all buyers, and maintain records subject to ATF inspections.

The rule is part of the Biden administration’s broader effort to curb gun violence and was influenced by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) of 2022. This legislation, authored by Republican U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, and endorsed by President Joe Biden, has been criticized for laying the groundwork for these expanded definitions and regulations.

Critics argue that the ATF’s redefinition of a firearms dealer is a gross overreach that infringes upon Second Amendment rights. They assert that this rule will ensnare most private firearm transactions under the guise of curbing gun violence, leading to what is effectively universal gun registration.

Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights (TXGR), has been a vocal opponent of the rule change. “If you give them an inch, they will take a mile,” McNutt stated, reflecting the frustration and distrust among gun rights advocates. TXGR has been actively opposing the rule change since its proposal, mobilizing thousands of members to submit comments during the rule’s open comment period. Despite this concerted effort, the ATF moved forward with the rule after the Biden White House issued a comprehensive 1,300-page directive instructing the ATF to broaden their rules to prohibit all private firearms sales, as revealed by a recent ATF whistleblower.

The final rule will take effect 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, marking a significant shift in how firearms are sold across the country.

The rule change has also spurred legal action. TXGR, already involved in two lawsuits against the ATF with preliminary injunctions granted, is promising to take the ATF to court over this new rule change. These injunctions currently protect TXGR members from enforcement of other contested ATF regulations, underscoring the ongoing legal battles between gun rights organizations and federal regulators.

Senator Cornyn’s involvement in authoring the BSCA and his subsequent attempts to halt the ATF’s rule change have drawn criticism and skepticism. Many in the pro-gun community view these actions as insufficient and reactive, rather than preventative. This situation illustrates the complexities and challenges within the Republican Party’s approach to gun legislation, highlighting the tensions between compromising with legislative demands and adhering to a staunch defense of Second Amendment rights.

This unfolding situation underscores a broader national debate over gun control and gun rights. As the ATF prepares to implement this rule, the landscape of American gun ownership continues to evolve, shaped by legislative actions and the vigorous efforts of advocacy groups like Texas Gun Rights fighting to preserve the foundational liberties enshrined in the Second Amendment.

32 responses to “ATF Definition Change Escalates Fears of Universal Gun Registration”

  1. Roger Robertson Avatar

    The ATF is not a law making branch. They are going around congress.

  2. jsub1960 Avatar

    Who?? Never heard of this group. Apparently they’re irrelevant.

  3. Steve Schneider Avatar

    It’s not “Gun Control” it’s gun confiscation! This should worry everyone that owns any firearm!
    The Liberals want to follow in the same vein as Australia!

  4. Ray Avatar

    Atf over reaching it constitutional authority again

  5. Frank Acker Avatar
    Frank Acker

    You’re right. If this passes the next step will be registering all firearms then they tell you to turn them in.

  6. Rodger Spurgin Avatar
    Rodger Spurgin

    We need to defund the ATF!!!!!Our Second Amendment Rights :Shall Not Be Infringed:!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tex Smith Avatar
    Tex Smith

    Any law they pass on firearms is unconstitutional! They can suck a lemon as far as I’m concerned!

  8. SteveB Avatar

    I do not agree with OBiden and his tactics! The ATF and other alphabet agencies have entirely too much power. The ATF is supposed to be a “law enforcement agency” and not a “law making agency”! Furthermore, I regret having voted for Cornyn in the past.

    1. jsub1960 Avatar

      Ban them all. They’re useless money pits!

    2. jsub1960 Avatar

      Eliminate them all. They’re useless money pits!

    3. JImmyinTEXAS Avatar

      SteveB, I too regret having voted for Cornyn. I have avowed, to never repeat such a grievous error.

  9. Rick Still Avatar
    Rick Still

    The 2nd Amendment will be destroyed if the republican party does not win this years presidential election. Unfortunately Senator John Cornyn is from my state, but he is and has been completely useless on many issues. I am a Life @ Endowment member of the N.R.A. and I have been fighting these issues for over 50 yrs.

  10. Charles Watson Avatar
    Charles Watson

    I agree completely with the above statement

  11. Don Baker Avatar

    *Cornyn, the anti gun liar who enabled this mess, now claims ATF went to far and he wants legislation to overturn this mess. That legislation would have to pass the house, the senate and be signed by the president. Cornyn knows full well that will never happen. He is a political prostitute trying to obfuscate the damage his anti gun law is doing to law abiding gun owners. Texans are fed up with Cornyn and I am one Texas who would walk barefoot through broken glass to vote against him. Between now and 2026 I will be educating Texas gun owners about the threat that lying, liberal anti gun Cornyn poses to them

  12. Samuel moore Avatar
    Samuel moore

    ATF needs to leave our gun
    Rights alone we don’t want a socialist rule I am 1 of the many Americans that believe this universal gun registration is against my 2nd amendment rights

  13. robert Avatar

    I too regret cornyns red flag laws and i will never vote for him again. atf has no rights changing gun rules definitions.

  14. Truth in Tenison Avatar
    Truth in Tenison

    RINO Cornyn has always been an anti-gun senator. He has always been a disappointment for Texas. I find it surprising is that Texans are just now waking-up to the fact that Senator Cornyn has always been a big government, open border, gun grabbing, pull-peddling, war loving democrat who for years has pretended to be a conservative republican. Cornyn and the rest of the republicans excel at betraying the people who voted for them. Who is $ John Galt?

  15. PhilC Avatar

    Cornyn apparently drank from Feinstein’s glass during all those past committee meetings. He has gone over to the dark side. I have been saying for years Cornyn has overstayed his welcome. We definitely do not need him as minority leader or majority leader of the republicans take back the senate.

  16. John Tate Avatar
    John Tate

    Cornyn is a big fat NO for me! What a joke to have Him represent Texas!!!

  17. Gary Lee Barnes Avatar
    Gary Lee Barnes

    Is there such a thing as a Republican who isn’t a RINO in Texas? Asking for all of Texas

  18. Rodney Hedrick Avatar
    Rodney Hedrick

    Since when was ATF given the authority to write and implement laws.

  19. Mario Contreras Avatar
    Mario Contreras

    We the people do not agree on our rights for firearms to be infringed.

  20. Kirk Mullins Avatar
    Kirk Mullins

    The ruling would only affect sales that cross state lines, imho, because the federal government only jurisdiction in interstate commerce. Selling to a citizen of the same state in that state is not interstate commerce. I agree that give them an inch they will take a mile. This is their inch.

  21. Toney Urban Avatar
    Toney Urban

    I agree with you about Cornyn and we need to educate Texans about his passive stance on our 2A rights. I’m a life member of the TSRA and NRA more recently but I will be joining the TXGR asap. I had not joined the NRA until recently however since I always viewed their tactics as reacting to instead of being proactive in protecting our RIGHTS. TXGR has a history of being more proactive in pursuing these issues. For the life of me I can not understand why we simply do not stand up in court and say we’ve had enough of this bull and the 2A us not open for interpretation any longer and WILL NOT BE INFRINGED, will be implemented.

    Batting the ball back over the net as it were, in trying to stop these laws that chip away at our rights is not working. Protesting doesn’t work, just ask the folks still in jail from January 6. These are our brothers and sisters that have been jailed like terrorists. Obviously voting for these politicians that promise to do everything and once they get to Washington can’t do anything for their folks back home until they learn how the game is played. Sounds more like Rome than the United States of America.

    Voting, now that’s a joke, isn’t it!

    So where do the sheeple turn now that they want to take our teeth as well as keep us barely making it while the politicians get to be multi millionaires?

    It’s past time to replace the gubmint.

  22. Mr Curtis Lane we the People. Avatar

    These kind of gun actions having just before we turn over to a third world country too long will not be obeyed about a lot of people especially gang members. You think this is going to help, you know it’s not deep state will soon become a thing of our pass you’re going to end up with the goons hurting civilian people that are innocent and the people fighting back you know that’s a deep state. Until you try it when the people will take over the deep state. None of the people will fight your wars because you open up the borders none of the people will listen to whatever you say Mr Joe Biden take the money and run like Saddam Hussein. Thank you and your people for our freedom haha.(What a joke) We put you all in office and we can take you all out of office

  23. John T Stone Avatar
    John T Stone

    John T in Texas, If we can get a suitable republican replacement for Cornyn, I would vote for him or her immediately. If I thought it would go, I would also be on board for a recall on Cornyn. He has traitored against his constituents.

  24. Libra Avatar

    I find it almost impossible to believe that the Obama/Obiden administration could change the USA into a LAND –Over run by illegal aliens who are not here to better themselves, but to take everything and give back nothing. Foreign Powers no longer fear the citizens of the USA as they see the CITIZEN Freedoms taken from them daily and the worst is knowing who is ARMED , SO THEIR WEAPONS CAN BE CONFISCATED. That is why Japan attacked Hawaii and not the United States, they feared the armed citizenry. We all know what the next step will be, complete dis armament of the citizenry . Cornyn is a traitor to our FREEDOMS and must go.

  25. Tracey Lang Avatar
    Tracey Lang

    I’ve been a licensed dealer for 30 years. NEVER had any compliance issues, but I’m being forced out of business by the ATF. The ATF wants my 30 years of records to create their ILLEGAL registry.

  26. Rick Conner Avatar
    Rick Conner

    Despite my aversion to standing in lines, I will stand in that long, long line one of these days after Cornyn passes from the face of the Earth to piss on his grave. We have this kind of crap because of him

  27. Rickey Lutz Avatar
    Rickey Lutz

    I too regret voting for Cornyn
    Will not do it again & my friends say the same. Tell him to retire.

  28. Deborah McCarter Avatar
    Deborah McCarter

    Stop all things biden regarding the 2 nd amendment rites & regulations we have as Americans according to The Constitution!

  29. Chase Burton Avatar
    Chase Burton

    Enuf was enuf a long time ago! There never gunna stop if they keep getting what they want inch by inch. They’re fighting a large war, one battle at a time and in time they will win. All bcuz WE THE PEOPLE don’t think these little bills will do anything. But each inch adds up. And when those inch’s reach the needs size, they’re going to beat us with it! WE MUST STOP IT WITH FORCE! NOT GAMES, POLITENESS, SPEECHES, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. They the Democrats, socialists, & globalists MUST be exterminated for the sake of freedom, life prosperity, security and all the other American Principles that have let us become the greatest country in the world, or at least until Democrats, socialists, and globalists came knocking!!! THEY ARE DELIBERATELY DESTROYING EVERY BIT OF THIS COUNTRY AND KEEP DOING SO BECAUSE WE ARENT DOING ENUF TO STOP THEM!!!!! Inch by inch ppl…

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